五十嵐 一樹 Kazuki Igarashi
( イラストレーター )
1983年 福島県産まれ
2004年 日本工学院専門学校マルチメディア アート科卒業後、補助員として1年間働きつつ、グループ展などに出展、その後働きながイラストレーターとして活動。ウェルカムボード、ポストカード、キャラクターデザイン、看板デザイン、ギフト用一点物イラストなどを手掛ける。
Kazuki Igarashi
Born in Fukushima, Japan, in 1983.
Graduated from the Multimedia Arts Department of Nippon Engineering College in 2004. After graduation, I worked as an assistant for a year while participating in group exhibitions. I then started my career as an illustrator, creating welcome boards, postcards, character designs, signboard designs, and custom one-of-a-kind illustrations for gifts.
In 2014, I returned to my hometown in Fukushima to take over my family business, Igarashi Shoten Co., Ltd., while continuing my work as an illustrator.
My traditional (analog) illustrations often feature frogs and yokai (Japanese folklore spirits) with a nostalgic and humorous touch.
On the other hand, my NFT artworks are robot-themed, featuring colorful, pop-style designs that evoke a sense of storytelling.
For commercial purposes (stock illustrations), I create lighthearted and humorous illustrations but am also open to custom orders based on clients needs.
About Igarashi Shoten Co., Ltd.
Established as a retailer of vegetable seeds, the shop now also offers vegetable seedlings, household goods, farming supplies, hardware, bicycle repairs, and key duplication services.
Unauthorized use of the illustrations on this website is strictly prohibited.